What Do I Like About This Race?
This horse is by far the most likely winner WIN BET
It's strictly a two-horse race 2 HORSE BOX
The favorites are hopeless 3 HORSE BOX
2 or 3 horses are contenders, one is much longer than the others WIN BET, PROTECT WITH EXACTAS
Nothing I can verbalize PASS
There are 3 horses just as good as the favorite 3 HORSE BOX

There's a good long shot in here--if he/she runs, only a couple can possibly beat him

Very likely winner in one half of Double, several contenders in other

DOUBLES 1x3, etc.

2 contenders in each Double race, including favorite in each PASS
Don't like favorites in either half of Double 2x2, etc.
This horse is about 30% to win the race and he'll be 4 or 5-1. WIN BET