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Frequently Asked Questions
What is Thoro-Graph?
- Thoro-Graph publishes accurate performance figures (aka Speed Figures or Speed Ratings) on a graph along with jockey, trainer, and pedigree profiles, and our groundbreaking Thoro-Patterns.
- Thoro-Graph provides high-tech management services to owners and trainers and manages Graph Racing.
How much does it cost?
- From Buy TG Data menu of ALL Thoro-Graph Products - Thoro-Graph Data (excluding Race Shapes) costs $25 for the 1st product, $20 for the second, and $15 for each additional product up to the daily maximum. Individual races are $5 with a "Buy 9 for the price of 5 Create-A-Card" discount. (Note: To receive the discount, you must purchase the 9 races in one transaction. e.g. You cannot purchase 5 then come back later in the day and purchase 4 more). The discount will be reflected AFTER you select the 9th individual race. Race Shapes are a Flat Fee of $5.
- From Simulcast Books menu of Thoro-Quick, Analysis, and Race Shapes - Quicks are $10 for major tracks, $5 for minor tracks, Analysis is $10, and Race Shapes are $5. There is a $50 minimum purchase per race day from the simulcast menu. Once you reach the $50 minimum, you may return later to download additional products at the discounted Simulcast Book pricing.
There was a cancellation. Do I receive a refund?
Yes. Automatically, we pull out all the transactions for any track(s) that cancels for whatever reason. However, if a track runs some of the races before cancelling, we will often pro-rate the refund. Please do not call the office unless your refund has not been credited within 2 business days.
I downloaded the wrong race. Do I get a refund?
You're not alone if you download a race from the wrong day or the wrong track or past posttime. Please contact us immediately. If the race(s) have yet to be run, and this occurs during our regular office hours, we can probably email you the correct race(s) right away without you having to download them. This will also save the bother of dealing with refunds.
Why is Thoro-Graph so expensive?
The cost of gathering information requires many hours of work by on-track observers and office personnel. We have variant makers, a half dozen support staff, and about a dozen on-track observers. Every piece of data is checked and rechecked. To prevent something as simple as a typo of a final variant, we triple-check every figure before it is printed.
What is a "sheet"?
A sheet is the term used for the page containing the figures and other data for each horse. Samples are available on the Introduction page.
What is Thoro-Quick?
Thoro-Quick is a condensed, graphical version of the full sheets with selected statistics.. Samples are available on the Introduction page. There are three horses per page.
What is Mini-Quick?
Mini-Quick is a condensed, non-graphical version. They contain the figures and running lines. There are no statistics. An entire card is usually contained in 8-12 pages.
What are Race Shapes?
We have taken the first quarter mile run by every horse in their recent races, and adjusted each horse's time for track speed, wind, weight, carried, and ground loss, if any. We then gather the data for all the horses running on a race card, and further adjust those times based on the recent speed of the track they are running over today. The resulting adjusted quarter times give the handicapper the ability to form an idea of the early speed of each horse, and the early pace of each race.
Using each horse's last three adjusted times, we have come up with an average quarter mile time for each horse, and put those times on a graph for each race.
Using each horse's last three adjusted times, we have come up with an average quarter mile time for each horse, and put those times on a graph for each race.
What do the figures mean?
Each figure (aka number) represents a performance rating calculated by using the time of the race, beaten lengths (a proprietary formula different than generally used), ground lost or saved, weight carried, and the effect wind may or may not have had on the time of the race. The final figure is manually adjusted with a carefully crafted track variant. The lower the number the better the race. With few exceptions, there will be a figure for every race a horse has run past the four years.
Why is there a box instead of a figure?
There are several reasons there may not be a figure:
- The horse is a "wheel-back" and we haven't had an opportunity to make his last number.
- The horse raced outside North America and we don't have enough data to make a figure.
- In some cases, especially early 2YO races, there's not enough data to make a solid figure. Unlike some of our competition, we're more comfortable leaving a race blank rather than guessing based on unsound methodology.
How is Thoro-Graph different from the competition?
The process from company to company in formulating raw performance figures is remarkably similar. However, the way the raw figures are crafted into the final figures you rely upon are radically different. We believe each race on a card is a separate event and variants cannot be guessed by using data from surrounding races or days. Tracks change speed from one race to the next even if there isn't an apparent change in weather conditions. One turn races and routes of two or more turns cannot be tied together blindly by a common variant.
Why am I having downloading problems?
There's no easy answer to this question, but there's usually a simple solution. If you try a second time, and still hvae an issue, please email help@thorograph.com ASAP for assistance.
Apple OSX and the iPad Issues?
There are known compatibility issues interpreting some javascript standards. This may effect the functionality of our Order Online pages. We are continually working on these issues.
What is Thoro-Graph's Privacy Policy?
- We respect your privacy. This is why we have taken the time to disclose our information collection practices and our privacy policy. Please take the time to review this document.
- We collect information for the following purposes: Completing your purchase and Contacting our visitors by email.
- Your information is not shared with anyone outside our company. Any email sent from our site regarding any promotion is sent from our database directly.
- Customers have access to their purchase history on the site and to see all personal information. If you believe that our website has collected incorrect information or if you would like to dispute any information, please contact us using the address at the bottom of this page.