For What It's Worth (1894 Views)
Posted by: Mall (IP Logged)
Date: April 29, 2002 08:57PM

I thought going to the races almost every day for a mo. was exhausting until I started reading all of the posts since my son dropped my laptop.
1. No surprise to learn that there was yet another down & dirty debate between Rags/TG. I assume I'm not alone in saying that a lot of the charges & countercharges are of far less interest than the quality of the nos., which I had an opportunity to compare more than usual during the Kee meet. Approx. 8 times, there was a major difference which had a dramatic impact in how you would view the race and/or a major player in the race, in every instance because TG had the horse improving 2pts in its most recent race & Rags had the horse regressing about the same. In every instance, the race seemed to confirm TG's nos.

2. Perhaps that's because to some theory doesn't mean anything. Let me suggest that theory is everything, assuming there isn't a problem with execution.

3. I enjoyed Irwin's article in BH as well, but what surprises me is that nothing has ever been written about the rumors that he stiffed 3 trainers in a row.

4. Wagner's has great ambience, but as much fun as it is to see everyone there for breakfast the place closes before the CD card is over, which makes it impossible to get the next day's sheets when you leave the races.

5. I'm kind of surprised nothing has been said about Lukas' 50 plus percent record at Kee. Proud Citizen had an absolutely perfect trip in the Lafayette & would for a lot of reasons seem to be a throwout, but then again lots of Lucas' horses at Kee, including PC, appeared to be tosses before the race. Remember Grindstone, who broke down the day of the Derby(about the same time Wayne was telling everyone of his plans to run in the 2nd leg) & was retired the following day. I wonder if D Wayne isn't a step ahead, if you get my drift, and willing to do just about anything if what you hear about his current financial situation is true.

6. Call me crazy, but I think it is still too early to commit to a Derby horse. However, based on the only nos. available, it does seem that Saarland is most likely to move fwd on Sat. Everyone in Kentucky is gaga over the way Came Home is training & I'm told MD's "action" is not conducive to 1 1/4 miles. At this pt, CG and/or EOD seem like live shots in a wide open contest.

Subject Written By Posted
For What It's Worth (1894 Views) Mall 04/29/2002 08:57PM
Re: For What It's Worth (1162 Views) TGJB 04/30/2002 04:34PM

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