IT Outages (407 Views)
Posted by: Fairmount1 (IP Logged)
Date: July 21, 2024 10:12PM

How about these Microsoft patch issues with the airlines and other places of business, health care providers, people that work from home, 9-1-1 issues, etc etc etc? Sounds like a major problem.

But hey, that modern technology never fails and it is just people not willing to adjust to the modern ways. ;)

I wonder if there would be another way to pay for things if computers shut down and couldn't take my card for payment of items at various places??? Hmmmm....

Subject Written By Posted
IT Outages (407 Views) Fairmount1 07/21/2024 10:12PM
Re: IT Outages (247 Views) statuette 07/22/2024 12:28PM
Re: IT Outages (281 Views) Fairmount1 07/22/2024 04:19PM
Re: IT Outages (239 Views) johnnym 07/22/2024 04:24PM
Re: IT Outages (249 Views) Roman 07/22/2024 08:43PM

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