My Mane Squeeze (367 Views)
Posted by:
Silver Charm (IP Logged)
Date: August 03, 2024 08:31AM
She shortens up and goes today in the Test. I like it. I will be betting her in some form or fashion Putt Putt.
Public can't get enough of Chad and Brad and Irad so there could be some decent value here. A very good friend of mine told me she probably wanted one turn shorter and now we will find out. Shows 6 solid works since the Acorn.
Ways and Means off Lasix. May not matter but why did they use it in the Allowance race. Denims and Pearls bounced badly in the 8Belles and after conceding (another one) she probably was not best going long this has been a goal. Emory probably guns from the rail. They all get a Class Test today in The Test.
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