Re: More Baffert (532 Views)
Posted by:
confused (IP Logged)
Date: January 12, 2022 10:13AM
I honor your involvement and effort regarding this problem. I sincerely do, but two things:
First, when I said they discussed it in the open, that includes telephone calls, texts, 'Juice Man' shoes, etc. Lance Armstrong never did anything that stupid.
Second, money makes the world go round. A lot of people are in on all these crappy schemes and as long as they all profit from them there's no chance that they will squeal on a crook. Mislabeled drug vials are probably mislabeled for good reason....but I'm betting that sometime in the future some small time player in these schemes will feel that he's been mistreated...and that's when the next one will unravel. That sort of happened to Kirk Ziadie, no?
The next one who I hope falls is the guy who was born in the shadow of the Twin Spires....who apparently got his 'god' given training talent from being born in this dark spot.