Re: Spirit of St. Louis (259 Views)
Posted by: Roman (IP Logged)
Date: January 26, 2025 03:11AM

Seven wins from nine starts at Gulfstream ?
Horse for course ?
As for the potion, he did have two unexplained fatalities in very short order , owned by the same owner. One can only speculate if he is doing something nefarious.

When the Servis / Navarro debacle went down, I was almosst certain that that would be just the first wave of indictments.

Makes you wonder what they know and did not act upon. The owners on the wire taps with Navarro never faced any sanctions for their conduct.
Was that not enough probable cause for further wire taps and investigation?
And the Fishman wire taps with him incriminating a certain powerful owner and breeder not enough probable cause to further the investigation, especially since that barn had been caught using performance enhancing substances more than once?

What happened to using data in regards to suspicious performances to monitor certain barns?

Remember last year when they intercepted a shipment of PED's destined for the equine industry. No one in racing was implicated. Who were they for?

Saffies horses do seem to run huge efforts , and at times are very puzzling.
But White Abarrio did win a few G1's, and his record at Gp is impressive.

I thought his better days were behind him, thought he had an outside chance to win, but not like that.

Subject Written By Posted
Spirit of St. Louis (309 Views) jbelfior 01/25/2025 08:37PM
Re: Spirit of St. Louis (248 Views) pip4126 01/26/2025 12:30AM
Re: Spirit of St. Louis (259 Views) Roman 01/26/2025 03:11AM
Re: Spirit of St. Louis (199 Views) jerry 01/26/2025 11:54AM
Re: Spirit of St. Louis (215 Views) johnnym 01/26/2025 10:42AM
Re: Spirit of St. Louis (203 Views) pip4126 01/26/2025 11:21AM
Re: Spirit of St. Louis (206 Views) billk5300s 01/26/2025 11:40AM
Re: Spirit of St. Louis (233 Views) jerry 01/26/2025 12:10PM
Re: Spirit of St. Louis (241 Views) Roman 01/26/2025 01:36PM
Re: Spirit of St. Louis (227 Views) jerry 01/27/2025 10:30AM
Re: Spirit of St. Louis (148 Views) cjestice 02/01/2025 10:09AM

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